VVAA-Queensland (branch) in conjunction with VVAA National invite all State and Territories to make a tax-free charitable donation to assist ADF personnel effected by the recent flooding in Townsville.
The current reporting of effected Defence personnel sees that in total 778 have experienced some level of displacement.
RAN – 4
ARMY – 762
RAAF – 12
Donations can be made electronically to VVAA-Q at:
Account Name: Vietnam Veterans Assn of Australia Queensland Branch Inc
BSB: 034 – 059
Account: 181614
Please reference: ADF Flood (Insert your surname)
All donations equalling $2 or above will be issued a receipt for taxation purposes. To collect your receipt please email [email protected]
The ADF Flood Appeal will be open on 22 February 2019 and cease on 29 March 2019.
Persons not wishing to donate electronically can donate via cheque. Make cheques payable to VVAA Queensland Branch
Please post cheques to:
ADF Flood Appeal
c/- Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia Queensland Branch Inc.
PO Box 706
Burpengary QLD 4505
All States and Territories please be aware that your ability to make a tax-deductible donation is governed by the relative legislation/regulation within your location.
Registered Charity: 45827964391

Honour the dead…But fight like hell for the living